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Basic German language knowledge without connection

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I newly generated a manager, Hungarian nationality and added RB Leipzig and St. Pauli as "other Favoured teams" in that section. Other languages spoken I've put English. Now when this manager is in-game, it immediately has "Basic German" language knowledge next to the Fluent Hungarian and Fluent English.

Is it because:

1. Hungarian nationality?  (we are not on the Germanic route from the language tree and the 2 language is not similar) or

2. I've put 2 German team in my favoured teams? Then I have Roma as the favourite team there, yet there is no Italian mentioned.  

Confusing somewhat and suprising :D

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It's often due to what languages are spoken, or similarities. The example I have is that Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish are more or less mutually intelligible, so if you understand one you have a good grasp of the rest as well, and the game actually reflect that. If most Hungarian speak German as a 2nd tongue, then perhaps that is the answer, but I can't say I'm familiar enough with Hungarian or Hungary to say for sure.

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Hungarian and German languages are not really similar (Hungarian is closest to Finnish and Estonian from linguistic viewpoint but in reality we do not understand each other at all even at basic level. Some words and general pronounciation is similar, but that is all the connection. So it is not - what I imagine - Scandi/Northern or Slavic overlapping in their respective languages). Although I do not studied nor speak German so those who speak both could say that when learning there is some rules that are similar. But it is a perfect example that I should not have Basic German skills based only on the nationality :) 

That is why I think the favourite teams could influenced this as from default I did not have German as the basic language for my FM21 manager (the same details except I did not add the Other favourite teams besides Roma). But to make sure I will just generate a simple new manager to check if if defaults to basic German due the HU Nationality. 

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That is possible but why should that option influence my language knowledge - without the game clearly stating this? I mean I get that if I have a second nationality there is a chance that I speak that language, but for supporting a football club? Imagine gaining knowledge in a language because you support a team from that nation... every second football fan would be speaking Spanish due Real/Barca.

Although I can imagine some Englishmen would think that the reason for most common language is theirs because everybody is an avid fan of some Prem team :D . 

Just from my example I probably watched every Leipzig and Roma match in the past 2 years, following their social media closely, reading lot of articles about them - but I would distance myself from saying that I have basic German or Italian speaking capabilities as all these are in or translated to English for me to digest.

And I understand "Basic" can be interpeted as a very low level with having a vocabulary of total 5 words in that language and in the end I might be able to count 3 in German and know what tor, rote karte or werbung means :cool:.

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MIGHT be also tied to your Adaptability score?  Or if you pick a club to start with, and there are pre-existing German players on the squad, the game gives you some language familiarity?  If I'm planning on doing a journeyman save, I do give myself some extra points in Adaptability in hopes of learning the local language quicker and sometimes the press will even refer to me a a polyglot. 

I know that when I create a manager with American nationality, it doesn't matter where I'm managing, I automatically get fluency in Spanish (and I can't speak a lick of Spanish outside of ordering a taco combo platter.) Where I live (Kansas), it was mostly settled by German immigrants (in fact 3 of my 4 grandparents are of German ancestry), so I should automatically get German as a second language.


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