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The minimum specs are the specs of the computer that are the minimum recommended to be able to run the game smoothly.  Having a machine below those specs does not always mean that the game will not run, however, but the better the specs of your machine are, the more leagues and database size it will will able to handle comfortably.

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@FrazTwhat does smoothly mean? Loads within x seconds?

And runs what smoothly? 1 league? Or all leagues? 


I'm looking at getting a new laptop, and I'm trying to use the minimum specs to work out what sort of game set up I could run without an unacceptable load time each Continue. For me, that's a few seconds. A bit longer on busy match days. So let's say, for me, it's 10 seconds. 

I don't know what the definition of smoothly is in those minimum specs. 

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There is no definition of smoothly- the minimum specs are a guide to what base level your computer needs to be at to run the game without issues as long as you do not overload it with leagues and database.  If you have a basic processor and the minimum amount of RAM, the game will run with a small league and database setup.  The better the processor and more RAM means that you can run the game with more leagues and/or a larger database.  The basic graphics card will run the game at low performance settings- a better card means that you can run the game with higher performance settings.  Anything other than a budget end laptop should be capable of running the game at acceptable levels

There is no formula that works for all users because what is acceptable game speed for one will be slow for another.  You just need to see what set up and game speed works for you.

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